Dear Ned,
I’ve recently purchased a license and I find myself struggling to set up a global installation availalbe to all users on a given machine. Could you please give me some tips?
I can run DiffPlug myself, but other users cannot. The other users get this error:
[test123.user@smaug2 ~]$ dp ext -before Control_Variables2_old.slx -after Control_Variables2_master.slx
No lockfile found at /home/test123.user/.diffplug/.lock
Install beacon /home/test123.user/.diffplug/installBeacon indicates installation at /usr/local/DiffPlug/2.5.0
Launching /usr/local/DiffPlug/2.5.0/DiffPlug
Fatal: /home/test123.user/.diffplug/.lock
The error log file is quite large, with information on the various libraries in the path and similar.I can e-mail it if requested (to avoid copy/pasting it here due to large size)
In any case, I am not happy about my setup b/c I cannot run DiffPlug without the “installBeacon” file in /home/username/.diffplug/ which I have to create manually. My set up is as follows:
OS is CentOS 7
downloaded DiffPlug_linux_x64_2.5.0.tgz and extracted its contents into /usr/local/DiffPlug/2.5.0
set up a soft link /usr/bin/dp -> /usr/local/DiffPlug/2.5.0/dp
created directory /home/username/.diffplug and placed a file installBeacon in there with the following content:
/usr/local/DiffPlug/2.5.0 -
The license is activated for this machine (called smaug2). Nobody else is using DiffPlug at the same time during the tests.
Many thanks in advance!