What's new in v2.2.0

New in this release - general usage

Easy mode

A new “Easy mode” was added which allows users to get started more easily.

Easy mode

Diff list extended with tabs for “Recently closed” and “Open now”

Also makes the DiffList easier to open and close.

New Diff list

Closed tabs can be restored

Previously open tabs are now restored on startup, and Ctrl+Shift+T will reopen a recently-closed tab (just like a web browser).

Reopen recently closed

Text diff speed and quality improvement

Speed and quality of text diffs greatly improved, especially for non-western-language Unicode diffs.

Added support for TortoiseSVN

By introducing a new -flavor TortoiseSVN to dp ext. You can read more here.

New in this release - for Simulink users

Multiline properties are now displayed in full

In the viewer

Simulink multiline property view

and in the differ

Undock diagrams in the diff to spread across multiple monitors

This new command is called Undock Undock diagrams across multiple monitors / Undock Dock diagrams back to main window. It is a replacement for Split monitors Spread across multiple monitors.

Wherever you put these undocked diagrams, DiffPlug will remember their position for other Simulink diffs, until you move the main DiffPlug window, at which point you will have to reposition them again.

Ignored filter is shown for additions and removals

You can now view and configure the ignored property filter from the detail diff of additions and removals (previously it was only shown for changes). These filters are also respected when dumping the properties of additions and removals into exported reports.

New Simulink added ignore

Report export now estimates report size

New Simulink report estimate

Improved diff config dialog and defaults.

Better layout, supports copy-paste, undo/redo, drag and drop, and more. The built-in properties ignored as “cosmetic” have added FontWeight and FontAngle for Simulink, and fontSize, drawStyle, midPoint, and labelPosition for Stateflow.

New Simulink report estimate

Fixed in this release

Fixed label parsing for Simulink action ports.

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